During Lent, we reflect on the ways in which we can grow in relationship with God through prayer, fasting, almsgiving and meditating on the life and passion of Jesus Christ. One aspect of almsgiving is service. We are called to participate in charity, seek justice and correct oppression (Isaiah 1:17). While today’s world may continue to seem unjust and not peaceful, here are some simple ways we as Catholic Terps can advocate for social justice with online and on-campus resources.
Serve Christ in the Poor
Did you miss out on the Mexico City Mission Trip? Join Catholic Terps for a similar service opportunity on March 30. We will make brown bag lunches and travel to DC to hand them out to homeless men and women. Our hope is not just to hand out lunches, but to sit and eat with the poor and get to know them. This will affirm their dignity by not only giving them physically nourishment, but spiritual and human nourishment as well. More details will be at catholicterps.org!
Recommit to Racial Justice
Sign up here for a Catholic Lenten resource to deepen your understanding of racial justice and learn the ways in which systemic racism and white supremacy are ingrained in our political and economic structures.
If you would like to participate in a study group of the US Catholic Bishops most recent document on racism reach out to Nick Schmitz and Amaka Ajene, the Interfaith Committee Chairs. Their email is interfaith@catholicterps.org.
Support Sustainability
Get lunch at the Maryland Food Collective (co-op located in the basement of Stamp). Rather than supporting food chains that often do not value the human dignity of their workers and also damage the environment with unsustainable agricultural practices, stop by the co-op for a delicious lunch that is made with many sustainable ingredients.
Take the St. Francis Pledge with the Catholic Climate Covenant.
Stand Up for Immigrant Communities
As Catholics, we affirm the inherent dignity of every person and the ability of families to not be separated. The U.S. Catholic Bishops support a permanent legal solution and path to citizenship for Dreamers and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders and will continue to do so until this is achieved. Learn more about the UndocuTerp training program on campus.
Join Catholic Terps and Christian groups at UMD for Immigration Stations of the Cross,Tuesday, April 8 at 8pm on McKeldin Mall and Together for Justice: Immigration panel and discussion on Thursday, April 11 at the Armory.
Join the UMD Interfaith Community for a fast-a-thon to raise awareness about refugees and combat Islamophobia in our society. The Fast-a-Thon will be Wednesday, April 2. Stay tuned for more information!
Women’s History Month
March is Women’s History Month. Learn more about the events happening on campus for Women’s History Month.
Women face more economic adversity than men in all racial and ethnic groups. Learn more about the efforts of the Catholic Church to support marginalized women around the world. Support projects like GirlGain, which empowers girls and women through education and micro-finance
Thank you for raising your voice of faith to participate in social justice throughout this Lent! Feel free to share your efforts with us, and other campus events that are advocating for justice and peace.

About this Author: Nick is a junior Government & Politics major at UMD and has served as the Catholic Student Center's Interfaith Committee Chair for the last two years. He is also the founding chair of the UMD Interfaith Student Leadership Council. He has intern for the USCCB and Church World Service, both ecumenical faith-based organizations working to advocate for migrants and refugees in light of Catholic social teaching.