Offertory – supports the overall operations of the CSC (programmatics, administration, facilities, liturgy etc.)
Programmatic – a general fund that specifically focuses on the programming we offer students (retreats, WND, liturgies, formation, service, socials etc.)
Alumni Fund – this fund helps us track our alumni donors, and is a general fund that specifically focuses on the programming we offer students (retreats, WND, liturgies, service, formation, socials etc.) as well as CSC/Alumni initiatives such as Homecoming, Pig Roast, and service opportunities.
Parent Fund –this fund helps us track our parent donors and is promoted at the beginning of each year and at Family Weekend- it is a general fund that specifically focuses on the programming we offer students (retreats, WND, liturgies, service, socials etc.) as well as family based initiatives such as Family Weekend.
Annual Appeal – promoted only once a year it invites extraordinary giving from anyone who has had any affiliation with Catholic Terps. It supports: anything and everything – including all of the other funds. Basically it is our push to help build the fiscal foundation to remain operational.
Centered on Christ Campaign – extraordinary giving that is not only restricted but also time-limited once our campaign is over, gifts to this fund will not be solicited once the campaign is complete. The funds for this will only be used for the updates on the building and everything that entails.
Sustainable or Recurring Giving – gifts that are made weekly or monthly are considered sustainable or recurring gifts. These gifts, like our offertory, allow us to efficiently budget our annual expenses, throughout the year. We invite our alumni, families and friends to prayerfully consider this as a tithing method. All of our funds above have the capacity to be a sustainable or recurring gift (monthly) or one-time gifts.
Extraordinary Giving – this is a form of generosity that is above the norm a donor may choose to give regularly. Ideally, sustainable or recurring gifts (monthly giving) is a preferred method of tithing to the CSC, and an extraordinary gift would be one that is in addition to the already generous giving. We realize that not everyone can give extraordinary gifts, and as such we are grateful for any generosity offered.