Freshman, transfers and all new students, we are excited you are coming to UMD!
There are many exciting ways to connect with Catholic Terps!
Here are the top 5 ways to get connected:
- Click here to register so we can keep in touch with you and you can get your FREE Catholic Terps t-shirt at our Welcome BBQ in August!
- Join us at Sunday Mass
– 5 pm Saturday Vigil at the Catholic Student Center. Confession at 4:30 pm.
– 10 am Mass at the Catholic Student Center. Confession at 9:30 am.
– 8 pm Sunday Mass at Memorial Chapel. Confession at 7:30 pm. (Not available during the summer)
– 12 pm Mass Monday – Friday at Memorial Chapel. Confession at 11:30 pm. (Not available during the summer) - Save the dates for our upcoming retreats! The first is Freshman Day on Sept 14th! The second is our Fall Retreat, Oct 4-6! Be on the lookout in the coming weeks for signups.
- Join a Bible study. Bible studies are weekly small groups of students who grow in friendship and faith! They meet at times and locations that work for your schedule. Email to join or mark “Bible study” on the registration form.
- Clear your schedule on Wednesday Nights. Each Wednesday during the semester we have 5:30 pm Mass, followed by FREE DINNER at the Catholic Student Center at 6pm.
If you have any questions about Catholic Terps, you can email MJ Richard, one of our campus ministers!