First Wednesday Night Dinner, Jan. 24
Join us for our first WND of the semester. We can’t wait to see you for Mass at 5:30 at the Catholic Student Center and then dinner at 6pm.

CSC Involvement Fair Jan. 31
Join us for our involvement fair during Wednesday Night Dinner so you can learn about how to become a student leader and be involved with running the ministry!

Ash Wednesday and Lent Feb. 14
Lent starts with Ash Wednesday on February 14th along with our 40 for 40 campaign! Stay tuned for ways to prayerfully enter into Lent this year including our Lenten Faith Formation Series!

Spring Retreats March 1-5
Stay tuned for our Spring “I Thirst” Retreat with Howard University, St. Mary’s College, and George Washington University.

Pig Roast and the CSC’s 90th Birthday! April 27
Mark your calendars for our annual Pig Roast in April! This year will be extra special as we celebrate 90 years of ministry! Families are welcome!

Spring Formal May 6
Join us for a night to remember as we close out spring semester with our annual formal!
