Embrace Stewardship this Lent!
40for40 is our annual Lenten Challenge asking students to support the Catholic Student Center through offering monthly donations on Faith Direct!
During the 40 days of Lent, become one of 40 new students giving online via Faith Direct to our offertory. Giving through Faith Direct is a commitment to giving sustainably to the CSC, meaning that this is a monthly or weekly recurring gift for 12 months. This allows the CSC to continue to minister throughout the year, even when students are gone during summer and winter breaks.
How much? Any amount!
For example: $5/week or $10/month goes a long way! All gifts are tremendously appreciated as they help the CSC continue its mission to help students to become fully alive.
The Challenge?
Last year we had over 60 students participate and our goal for this year is to invite even more students to give and donate through Faith Direct. Student givers must begin giving through Faith Direct during Lent in order to count towards the 40for40 challenge.
Last year’s givers are invited to continue their gift and can count as a new giver by raising their gift by $1.00 or more, thus helping their group win the challenge.
All who participate in 40for40 will be invited to a Corn-Hole Tournament/Picnic after Easter! In addition, if we reach our goal of 40 men and women, participants will have the opportunity to JOUST Fr. Conrad at the Corn-Hole Tournament!