Catholic Student Center Celebrates 50 Years!
Join us for a celebration on April 25, 2015!
As early as 1958, Father Tepe, at the direction of Archbishop O’Boyle, began a search for property near the campus to construct a suitable facility. In 1960, a non-profit corporation, the Newman Foundation, was formed to locate and purchase a site. In October 1960, the Newman Foundation obtained an option on a lot near Knox Road. Smaller than desired, the lot was the only available land within easy walking distance of the campus. In September 1961, the Foundation began a fundraising campaign to purchase the property. The University purchased halfthe tract, and the Newman Foundation purchased the remainder. Land acquisition was completed in January 1963, thanks to contributions of students, parents and alumni. Fundraising for construction of the Center was multi-faceted and occurred rather swiftly. The John Carroll Society, with the involvement of Bishop Philip M. Hannan and prominent Catholics in the Archdiocese of Washington, began raising the funds necessary to begin construction. The Knights of Columbus throughout the State of Maryland contributed their support. Cardinal Lawrence Shehan, recognizing that the facility would serve Catholic students from the Archdiocese of Baltimore, offered to participate in the building’s costs. Mr. Pangborn, with unflagging generosity, contributed an additional $50,000. John M. Walton’s architectural plans for the Center were enthusiastically approved by the Board of Trustees on July 8, 1963. In September 1963, some 200 students, faculty and members of the Board of Trustees stood in the rain for a ground-breaking ceremony. Morrison and Bready Inc. spent the next 12 months constructing the facility, which was ready for occupancy in September, 1964. The Catholic Student Center was dedicated on April 10, 1965. In an impressive and joyous ceremony, the University’s President, Wilson H. Elkins welcomed and congratulated the 300 attendees, while Archbishop O’Boyle and Cardinal Shehan hailed the continued, active presence of the Catholic Community on campus.
RSVP and Payment options for the Anniversary dinner:
Reserve your space by clicking on the photo above.
Adults $15
Child ages 5-12 $8
Children under 5-free
Online payments may be made through Faith Direct
Cash or check may be sent to:
Catholic Student Center
4141 Guilford Drive
College Park, MD 20740