Author: Jordan Cannella, FOCUS missionary
The one who calls you is faithful,
and he will also accomplish it.
1 Thes 5:24
This season of waiting is nearly over. With eight days left until the birth of Jesus there is still much anticipation to be had. As I prayed about what to write in this reflection I kept returning to the idea of what it is to be a servant of God. In each of the readings today we have an example of this servanthood and the way God works in the human soul. In the first reading we hear the Prophet Isaiah’s proclamations on the joy God has filled his soul with. The spirit of the Lord which has filled his soul spills out to others, refusing to be contained. In the responsorial psalm we hear the Canticle of Mary from the Gospel of Luke. Similarly to Isaiah, all that God has done in the Blessed Mother’s soul refuses to be contained as Mary shares with her cousin Elizabeth all of the wonders God has worked in her life. Lastly in the Gospel reading we hear about John the Baptist, who after meeting Christ while still in the womb goes out to testify to the coming of Christ.
In the same way that God came and dwelled in the souls of his servants whom we read about in the Bible, He also desires to make His dwelling with us. When we celebrate the birth of Christ in eight days we celebrate the unfathomable love and mercy who desires to work great wonders in our hearts and if we allow Him, He will accomplish it.