We are really excited to meet the UMD Class of 2021! We polled our student leaders and alumni to give you some advice as you pack your bags and head to College Park. Here’s what they had to say:
…think it’s too early to get involved on campus
…be shy
…leave your laundry around the dorm room (unless its a single)
…yell at strangers on the sidewalk at night from your dorm window
…ride your bike on the sidewalk
…put your best foot forward
…make friends with your floor-mates
…hangout with friends in your dorm lounge (it can get lit, trust me)
…go to SEE events with friends (especially at the start of the school year) – Gabe Castro, Stewardship Committee
Go to Mass at least on Sundays. It is so easy to drift from the faith but these stressful and often confusing years are when we need it the most. –Holly Klenkel, Class of 2015
Memorize your class schedule before school start. It beats pulling out your phone and checking back to it after class or before heading to class. – Josh Batugo, Social Media Intern
The more underwear you have, the less you have to do laundry. –Gabby LaPore, Class of 2015
“Be not afraid ” is repeated in the bible over 100 times and it is a reminder that God loves us . Throughout the course of your college journey may sure to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your path straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6) Have an amazing school year and make the most of your experience! – Desiree Anani, Multicultural Committee
Almost nothing is set in stone.
You, your major, even your roommates are changeable.
Its okay for things to suck sometimes.
Make a habit of waking up early now. – Colette Scheaff, Women’s Ministry
Take the stairs. It’s a great workout and can even save you time too! – Br. Isidore (Matt Rice), Class of 2015
If you can see your breath outside, it’s cold, so bring a hat. – Fr. Rob Walsh, Class of 1992, Catholic Terps Chaplain