On August 23, 2016, I was at the airport in Chicago with a whole year of my life packed into two suitcases. I was waiting at the gate with two other people I had only met the weekend before. We were boarding a plane to Dublin where we were going to work and live together until June.
Part of me was so excited to finally be returning to Ireland but another part of me was thinking, “How did I get here? Why am I even taking this crazy chance?”
Needless to say, there was a lot of change and transition in my life at that moment. I knew I had two options: I could panic or I could take a deep breath and remember how long I had prayed for this opportunity. Living in Ireland after college was my dream and here I was doing it! I had asked God for this opportunity and He had given it to me. The least I could do in return was dive into the experience, trusting in the Holy Spirit. Now, I’m not saying there’s an easy way to trust in God. Really you just have to take it moment by moment, whatever situation you happen to be in. All I can tell you is about my experience and how trusting in God moment by moment helped me have one of the greatest experiences of my life.
Only the Holy Spirit could bring three strangers together from one country, put them in a totally different country, have them live and work together, and also have the three of them get along really well and become wonderful friends.
Only the Holy Spirit could take my dream of living in Ireland after college and make it happen. Only the Holy Spirit could place me in a loving, caring community that was 3,000 miles away from home. Are you catching my drift here?
So whatever you’re having trouble trusting God with, take a deep breath and tell God that you put whatever you’re struggling with in His hands at that moment. And take it moment-by-moment. Trusting in God isn’t easy and doesn’t come naturally to us, but I promise you it’s worth it. He has you in the palm of His hand. You never know what adventure He’s going to take you on next!